Saturday, December 4, 2010

Week 13

A. The theme of this reading is coming from Hitler about how the german people had lost everything in the last 14 years especially their political place. In this proclamation it seems to me that Hitler is trying to make it seem like he cares for tGermany than for his own benefit. B. "It is impressed with the importance of its duty to use this nation of equal rights as an instrument for the securing and maintenance of that peace which the world requires today more than ever before." Hitler here is talking about the foregin policy of the National Government to secure freedom and how there is a duty of equal rights for peace in the world. This stands out to me because I think it's ironic to read the words of which Hitler Spoke. This makes me understand how people were minipulated by his words. B. What I came into mind as I read this reading was, how easily it can be to minipulated by lies or dishonesty that from a good speaker. It seems to me that Hitler was verry good at doing so and therefore succeeded to be a dictator. C I think even in todays world this continues to happen especially with politics. Some may say that President Obama is a verry good speaker and therefore wins people over, whether he is speaking the truth or not can only be known by the actions he speaks to take. D. Hitler spoke of restoring damage of 14 years for Germany and not himself and the cabinet yet we know now that what he promised and spoke of really wasn't as plesant as many thought his power would turnn out to be. His talent of speech won people over for what they wish he hadn't.