Thursday, September 9, 2010


(A) Saragon is a man who never knew his father and was sent down the river by his mother and ended up being raised by a man who gave him the life of a ruler. The theme goes into discription of how his life became the life of a ruler. (B) "My mother was lowly; my father I did not know;" This stood out to me because I think it is the reason for alot of the events that happened in his life. For example his mother sending him down the river in a basket, and him being raised by a man other than his father. If he would have known him father it is possible that his mother would not have sent him down the river and that we would not have lived life the way he did. (C)Saragon was raised by Akki who is not his father paralells to modern life. (D) Many of todays people are not all raised by their biological father but by another person who takes that father role. Alot of people who were raised without a father seem to struggle alot more in life, but luckly Akki gave him the opportunity for a better life.

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