Saturday, October 16, 2010

Week 7 Reading

(A.) The theme of the story is that The Act of Supremacy is being defined about how the King Henry VIII has the power to do whatever he'd like and a speech given by Anne Boylen before she is beheaded. (B) "And thus I take my leave of the world and of you all, and I heartily desire you all to pray for me." This was said in the speech given by Anne Boylen and it stuck out to me the most because I find in interesting that in her final munites of life she cared enough about her salvation and asks others to pray to pray that God would have mercy on her. I think it's great that she came down to the point of asking God to take her soul, which is better than not asking for his grace at all. (C) This really makes me think of how many people use their last few minutes of life to ask God for forgiveness and mercy. (C) I see the reading connecting to a story a couple of years ago of a criminal who was put to death by assisted suicide. His finals hours of life we're being broad casted on television and he kept asking God for forgiveness and was repenting of the crime that he had committed in his past. (D) Just like Anne Boylen he didn't blame authority for his death and knew that God was the only one to judge the wrongs of his life. It really strikes me that they don't act angry about authority taking their lives but act humble and leave it all to God to handle.  

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