Saturday, October 23, 2010

James I on the Divine Right of Kings (1609)

(A.) In this story King James is explaining the meaning of a monarchy government and what is means to be king. He defines the high power that there is and compares it to gods, fathers of families, and to the head of a microcosm. (B.) "Kings are also compared to fathers of families; for a king is truly parens patriae, the politic father of his people" This stood out the most to me because I think it's interesting how a king is compared to a family father. I can somewhat see some similarities that there is between both of them but what makes it interesting is that I think a father is more loving and compassionate than a king. The king may take the role as a father does as in supporting his family but I don't think the comparison is quite equal. (C) This story brought the idea into my head about what European history would be like if it didn't involve a monarchy but a different form of government. A lot would be different even possibly today's outcome of government. (C) If we change the wording of kings to presidents, some may say that there are similarities to today's modern world. (D) The president in our country has the highest power out of the whole government just like a king does in a monarchy. As a country we rely and look up to our president to make good decisions for the people.

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