Sunday, November 7, 2010

Women Miners in the English Coal Pits

A. The theme of this story is about the horrible degrading working conditions of the children and women working in coal pits. B. "Their sex was recognizable only by their breasts, and some little difficulty occasionally arose in pointing out to me which were girls and which were boys, and which caused a good deal of laughing and joking." This part of the reading stood out the most to me because I pictured myself what it would have been like to be one of those girls who was being look pointed out at. I can't imagine how horrible it must have been for them. C. The thought that came into my mind after I finished reading this was the little money that they earned really worth everything that they had to go through while working? It made me think about how people even today work at jobs were they are being degrated but that it's their "only" choice to make the money that they need. C. Today there are still many sweat shops like this where women and children are working in horrible conditions and paid verry little, we do not hear much of it but I am sure that there are many similarities with the coal pits. D. This relates to the story because the issue of workers still being under paid and degrated is not only in histroy but still occuring.

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