Saturday, November 20, 2010

The War Prayer

A. I believe that the theme of this story is about everyone preparing for the war, mainly spirutualy. The reading talks about one Sunday when many filled the church and a chapter of the Old Testament was read and prayer was said at the service for everyone. Soldiers volunteers, families, and friends. That Sunday service a stranger came up to the main aisle and had the preacher step aside because he had a prayer to say. B. "God's servant and yours has prayed his prayer. Has he paused and taken thought? Is it one prayer? No, it is two -- one uttered, the other not." This part really stood out to me because I think that it is something that we should all remember when we pray. Sometimes when we pray about something we only think about our/their benefit of the prayer, when really like this man said, prayer has to sides of it. In this case in the reading those who were praying were only thinking about themselves and not the harm that they would be doing to others, that is why when the man speaks his prayer they did not understand that his prayer was mocking what they were truely praying for.C. This helped me to really keep in mind that in every prayer we must not only think about our selves but also about who our prayer might be hurting. C.For example when we pray for our soldiers in Iraq, we shouldn't just pray for their  victory in war but for the people of Iraq who are beeing just as effected by it as our men and women of our country. D. This exactly to the reading because the theme of this readying is speaking about the prayer in war. Sometimes we get so caught up in what is only hurting us and not others that we don't take the time to pray for those who really need it, like some of the inncoent people in Iraq.

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