Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friederich Engels: Industrial Manchester, 1844

A. The theme of this story is about how and why Manchester became the head manufacturer of cotton in England. B. "The town itself is peculiarly built, so that a person may live in it for years, and go in and out daily without coming into contact with a working-people's quarter or even with workers, that is, so long as he confines himself to his business or to pleasure walks." This stood out to me because I think it's a horrible that the working people are being avoided as if they were some kind of animal or disease. C. If the weather had not been the main factor of the cotton manufacturing being in Manchester where else would have been? And why not in the first place?C. In some are in our country and world today some benefit more than others because of natural resources that are not found everywhere. For example the energy we get from windmills only is productive in parts of geopgraphy were it's windier than other parts. D. This relates to the text because the story states how the damp climate was better for the cotton manufacturing than in the other dry climate cotton manufacturing areas.

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